A garland of flags under a blue sky with the British flag, the lettering ‘Altnet’ and the Conntac logo

Altnets in the UK: wanted but unknown

A survey* of 2,000 UK adults (May 2023) by Opinium found that only 15% of respondents had ever heard of alternative network providers (altnets). This result is surprising as the same survey also found that around 61%, or almost a third, of broadband customers in the UK would like to see more choice of broadband providers in their neighbourhood. Currently, the UK broadband market is dominated by seven well-known and large internet service providers (ISPs). This article focuses on the rise and unknown of Altnets in the UK.

Why are Brits demanding more alternatives and choice of ISPs in the UK?

Respondents to the previously mentioned survey indicated that both cost and speed were two of the three most important criteria when choosing a service provider. On both cost and speed, altnets perform significantly better than the well-known big players when it comes to choosing their services. However, it is all the more surprising that many Britons have never heard of Altnets before. What might be the reason for this?

Why are Altnets largely unknown nationwide?

The British regulatory authority Ofcom opened competition for the expansion of the full-fibre optic network throughout the UK to provide both households and businesses with fast internet. It also aims to drive fibre roll-out, particularly in underserved and rural areas of the UK, and to close the digital divide between rural and urban areas. The UK government is pursuing the plan to provide more than 15 million households with gigabit-capable broadband by the end of 2025. Since then, there has been a rapid rise in smaller, independent alternative internet service providers, the so-called “altnets”.

Altnets face the huge challenge of competing in the highly competitive broadband market, juggling infrastructure build-out, marketing efforts to attract new customers and general brand and awareness building. But that’s not all. Learn more about the challenges of altnets in another post!


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Check out our checklist to find out whether your company is ready for self-service. We say yes!

White paper checklist — Is your company ready for self-service?

Challenge: oversupply and undersupply characterise the UK broadband market

AltNets will increasingly face strong competitive pressure. It is not enough to rely on locals switching to a new local provider in their region out of loyalty. Rather, it is important to position oneself as an attractive provider in advance and to already offer the most innovative solutions for customer service and customer experience. If you do not think about tomorrow today, you will miss important opportunities to acquire new customers.

With the MyProvider App, Conntac supports especially regional, small internet service providers in offering excellent and competitive (technical) customer service – at an affordable price. With the self-service app for customers, internet customers receive all services centrally in one app. From independent problem analysis and problem solving, to easier contact with customer service,to easy management of bills and contracts, everything is included – and that, moreover, according to the individual wishes and needs of the provider Providers can view all processes in the associated service dashboard at the same time. An absolute win-win situation.

Feel free to contact me for an individual live demo based on your company. If you wish, you can also test the app yourself.

*Source: https://www.ispreview.co.uk/index.php/2023/07/85-of-uk-people-havent-heard-of-alternative-broadband-networks.html

Stephen Hopson

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