An agent in the customer service centre

Employee Experience in Customer Service

It's Monday morning and Marie is already sitting in the call centre. She has put on her headset, booted up her computer and is ready for the first calls of the day. She knows it's a tough job, but she likes helping people and solving problems. What she doesn't like is the feeling of being under pressure all the time. The calls come faster and faster, and often it is dissatisfied customers who loudly vent their frustration. Marie does her best, but sometimes she still feels overwhelmed and burnt out.

As you know, customer service is a central department of a company. It is where customers come with their questions, problems and complaints. How well customer service works can make the difference between satisfied and dissatisfied customers. What is often forgotten, however, is the role of the employees who provide customer service. Their experience as employees, also called Employee Experience (EX), is just as important as that of the customers. Why? Because a good employee experience can lead to a better customer experience.

Employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction in the contact centre

Customer communication in the contact centre faces numerous challenges, which are intensified by the advancing digitalisation. The Contact Centre Trend Study by Damovo, RUF-Beratung and VIER shows that customer satisfaction is the most important issue for contact centre managers at 87 percent. However, increasing efficiency (60 percent), employee satisfaction (48 percent), increasing turnover (34 percent) and contact avoidance (32 percent) also play an important role for the contact centres surveyed.

However, it is particularly striking that employee satisfaction, at 48 percent, seems to be of less interest than customer satisfaction. Yet the employee experience in particular has a demonstrable influence on the customer experience. Companies should be aware that a high level of employee satisfaction contributes to the company's success in the long term and also has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. It is a thinking error to assume that employee satisfaction does not matter - regardless of whether there is a staff shortage or not. One effective way to relieve staff is the AI-supported automation of customer enquiries. However, the study shows that this potential is not yet being exploited.

Another important topic is technology in customer service. Uniform processing and reporting are possible in less than half of the contact centres, because only 46 percent of the contact centres use a multichannel solution. Yet it is now normal for customers to shop or communicate via at least three channels. The use of CRM systems, which are considered the lynchpin of good customer service, is already widespread with 62.2 percent of respondents, but there is still room for improvement here as well.

Overall, the trend study shows that there is still a lot of room for improvement in many companies when it comes to digitalisation and employee satisfaction in the contact centre. It is important that companies invest in this area in order to remain competitive in the long term and achieve high customer satisfaction. Digitalisation can be an opportunity to improve customer service and make it more efficient. However, companies should not lose sight of employee satisfaction and the employee experience. After all, it is the employees who shape customer service and satisfy customers.


Optimising customer service — challenges and solutions

Customer satisfaction is one of the most important metrics in companies, but customer service requirements are changing rapidly. Find out more now!

White paper Optimizing customer service — challenges and solutions

Improving the employee experience in customer service

There are several ways to improve the employee experience in customer service. Here are some examples:

  • Training and development: Regular training and development help employees to increase their knowledge and improve their skills. This can help employees feel more confident and better prepared for customer conversations.
  • Technology and tools: Modern technology and tools that make employees' work easier can also contribute to employee satisfaction. These include, for example, self-service apps that take the burden off employees by solving simple problems or taking measurements and collecting data in a dashboard before they even call customer service.
  • Working conditions: A pleasant working environment, ergonomic workplaces and flexible working hours can also help employees feel more comfortable and motivated.
  • Recognition: Employees should be recognised and rewarded for their work. This is not only about monetary incentives, but also about recognition by supervisors and colleagues, which strengthens employees' self-esteem and increases their motivation.
  • Communication: Regular communication with staff, both individually and as a group, can help staff feel heard and supported. Feedback and open discussions can help identify and resolve problems early on. Feedback and open discussions can help identify and resolve problems early on.

Employee experience in customer service is a complex issue that encompasses many different aspects. By focusing on employee satisfaction and targeted measures, companies can not only improve employee retention and motivation, but also increase the quality of customer service.

How digitalisation is changing customer service in the contact centre

In summary, there is still a lot of room for improvement in the area of digitalisation in customer service. There should be more focus on employee experience, as it has been proven to pay off in customer satisfaction. Contact centres should focus on implementing new solutions and multi- or omnichannel strategies to improve their efficiency and customer satisfaction. Companies that recognise and implement these trends early on will gain a competitive advantage and delight their employees and customers alike.

One way to address these customer service challenges is through our self-service solution. It has the potential to increase customer satisfaction, relieve employees and shorten the processing time of enquiries. The solution collects valuable feedback and data to train employees in dealing with new support topics on digital channels and to optimally support customers..

Find out in our other article how the use of self-service solutions can improve the agent experience.

Photo of Johanna Kugler
Johanna Kugler

Content Marketing Manager

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